AFC Totton Sports & Social Club Annual General Meeting 2016/17
This years Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on Monday 26th September 2016 at 7pm in the Monarch Suite, Testwood Stadium. Only fully paid up members will be admitted to the meeting.
Any motions to the meeting should be with the Chairman by Friday 9th September 2016 at the very latest, as per club rules.
Any nominations for Executive posts should be with the Chairman by Friday 9th September 2016 at the very latest, as per club rules. Nomination forms are available from the Chairman.
The meeting Agenda will be as follows: –
- Minutes of Previous meeting (AGM 2015)
- Matters arising
- Reports (including Chairman, Executive and Financial Report)
- Elections (including Chairman, Executive and other Club positions)
- Rule Changes
- Motions
- General Discussion (topics proposed by floor)
- Any other business
Club membership applications are now closed until Tuesday 27th September 2016.